Dear readers,
I've made some adverts on youtube to promote my book revolution 2058. Watch those trailers and enjoy.
I assembled some interesting parts of my favourite movies that inspired me to write this book. If you are curious about the future of mankind and new technology that the right book for you. My dream is that this book will be a hollywood movie, who knows, this book could be a blockbuster once it will be on screens !
Filipe da Silva
Get a sample of one of my stories ! send me an email to and receive the first part for free !!!!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008

Dear readers finally I present the cover of my online book: revolution 2058!
IF you need a copy of the first story of the book send us an email to or !!!!!!!!!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
The Science behind the fiction
Kevin Warwick
Robotics: Project Cyborg
Probably the most famous piece of research undertaken by Warwick is the set of experiments known as Project Cyborg, in which he had a chip implanted into his arm, with the aim of "becoming a cyborg".
The first stage of this research, which began on 1998-08-24, involved a simple RFID transmitter being implanted beneath Warwick's skin, and used to control doors, lights, heaters, and other computer-controlled devices based on his proximity. The main purpose of this experiment was said to be to test the limits of what the body would accept, and how easy it would be to receive a meaningful signal from the chip.
The second stage involved a far more complex chip which was implanted on 2002-03-14, and which interfaced directly into Warwick's nervous system. The electrode array inserted contained around 100 electrodes, of which 25 could be accessed at any one time, whereas the media
nerve which it monitored carries many times that number of signals. The experiment proved successful, and the signal produced was detailed enough that a robot arm developed by Warwick's colleague, Dr Peter Kyberd, was able to mimic the actions of Warwick's own arm.
By means of the implant, Warwick's nervous system was connected onto the internet in Columbia University, New York. From there he was able to control the robot arm in Reading University and to obtain feedback from sensors in the finger tips. He also successfully connected ultrasonic sensors on a baseball cap and experienced a form of extra sensory input.
A highly publicised extension to the experiment, in which a simpler array was implanted into Warwick's wife—with the aim of creating a form of telepathy or empathy using the Internet to communicate the signal from afar—was also successful, resulting in the first purely electronic communication experiment between the nervous systems of two humans. Finally, the effect of the implant on Warwick's hand function was measured using the University of Southampton Hand Assessment Procedure (SHAP). It was feared that directly interfacing with the nervous system might cause some form of damage or interference, but no measurable effect was found.
As well as the Project Cyborg work, Warwick has been involved in several of the major robotics developments within the Cybernetics Department at Reading. These include the "seven dwarves", a version of which was given away in kit form as Cybot on the cover of Real Robots Magazine.
Post from wikipedia article about Kevin Warwick:
Robotics: Project Cyborg
Probably the most famous piece of research undertaken by Warwick is the set of experiments known as Project Cyborg, in which he had a chip implanted into his arm, with the aim of "becoming a cyborg".
The first stage of this research, which began on 1998-08-24, involved a simple RFID transmitter being implanted beneath Warwick's skin, and used to control doors, lights, heaters, and other computer-controlled devices based on his proximity. The main purpose of this experiment was said to be to test the limits of what the body would accept, and how easy it would be to receive a meaningful signal from the chip.
The second stage involved a far more complex chip which was implanted on 2002-03-14, and which interfaced directly into Warwick's nervous system. The electrode array inserted contained around 100 electrodes, of which 25 could be accessed at any one time, whereas the media
nerve which it monitored carries many times that number of signals. The experiment proved successful, and the signal produced was detailed enough that a robot arm developed by Warwick's colleague, Dr Peter Kyberd, was able to mimic the actions of Warwick's own arm.
By means of the implant, Warwick's nervous system was connected onto the internet in Columbia University, New York. From there he was able to control the robot arm in Reading University and to obtain feedback from sensors in the finger tips. He also successfully connected ultrasonic sensors on a baseball cap and experienced a form of extra sensory input.
A highly publicised extension to the experiment, in which a simpler array was implanted into Warwick's wife—with the aim of creating a form of telepathy or empathy using the Internet to communicate the signal from afar—was also successful, resulting in the first purely electronic communication experiment between the nervous systems of two humans. Finally, the effect of the implant on Warwick's hand function was measured using the University of Southampton Hand Assessment Procedure (SHAP). It was feared that directly interfacing with the nervous system might cause some form of damage or interference, but no measurable effect was found.
As well as the Project Cyborg work, Warwick has been involved in several of the major robotics developments within the Cybernetics Department at Reading. These include the "seven dwarves", a version of which was given away in kit form as Cybot on the cover of Real Robots Magazine.
Post from wikipedia article about Kevin Warwick:
Saturday, October 27, 2007

Peter was running hard, even thou he was exhausted by this chase he can't let escape this suspect. Peter is an agent of the VPS or Virtual Police Squad. His job is basically to intercept hackers and Ynet criminals. The guy he was chasing is a wellknown hacker who enters into Ynet with fake ID’s and makes money with file transactions. While he was running his Iphi ringed. “Yes Bruce, sorry I can't talk right now cause I’m in the middle of something”. “Ok I understand but tell me where are you cause I can’t see you”. “ What do you mean you can’t see me?” asked Peter. “ I’m plugged into New York 20th . now Peter entered Virtual Chinatown. The crowd prevented him to see the guy he was chasing. “ Damn Bruce, I can’t find him anymore, wait I’ll use the IP of his Ebrain” “ Ok” Replied Bruce. Peter checked his pocket and took a small and round mirror from the size of a small lady mirror. “number 1223.543.657, name John E. Taylor, a.k.a. Crusian” . Suddenly a 3D image appears out of the mirror. The image showed a small robot with no arms. The robot replies with gestures and talks. “Searching for digital IP” a second later the picture of John E Taylor appears directly followed with his avatar form and his position inside the Ynet. “Oh my god, he is right behind me !!!” Peter turned around and suddenly found himself in front of a Chinese man with a gun pointing towards him. “Very well mister Agent, you blowed my cover, now what are you going to do?” Peter hesitated for a second to reply, “ Well John you may point a gun at me but that’s not the best way you know. If you kill me than the whole system is going to track you down and kill you !!” “ I’ll take the risk” replied John. Than suddenly another guy pulls a gun behind John. “ Freez you piece of crap !!!” “Bruce !!” yelled Peter with a feeling of relief. Peter took out an object with a laserbeam on top and pointed at the suspect. “ You have the right to remain silent, everything you say or do will be charged against you”. His Chinese appearance was changing and Bruce yelled at Peter “ Quick Peter, before he is unplugged!” Peter clicked on the button and the laserbeam covered John that made him disappear inside the object. “ Ok, we’re done” said Bruce. “ Gee, thanks” replied Peter.
In the station Peter and Bruce woke up. “Welldone Agents” said Nelson Brave. Nelson is the head of VPS. “That’s nothing sir, just routine I guess” said Bruce. “ Routine ? damn I almost got killed in this one” replied Peter. “ The guy was smart and he could change Avatarform whenever he wanted !! By the way how did you found me on the system? “ Well simple, while you ask your search engine, your ebrain sends a signal through the search engine” “ But why?” “ this is to prevent terrorist to search particular Ynet pages, and we know exactly who they are and where they are” "Hackers have the ability to change or even erase their signal preventing the system to track them."
“Whatever boys, you did a great job by catching this John Taylor, now all we have to do is to take him in custody in his home.”
Bruce was a young guy in the mid thirties. He was a brilliant student in the Police Academy. His passion for computers took him to choose for the virtual police squad.
Peter was first in the Army of the United States of America, but since all countries were united into the World Confederated States and all armies where abolished by resolution 9, He too choose for the squad.
Outside the lab Bruce and Peter were walking into their car to go home. “ My grandfather talked to me about New York when cars drove on the ground and about traffic jam” said Peter. “Damn you sound like a nostalgic” replied Bruce “ I Mean how can you miss traffic jam?” “ I think that had to be horrible” Taking 2 hours or more to go from Long island to Manhattan !” “ I know, but… aren’t you frightened about the speed of technology nowadays?” “ Didn’t you ask yourself where are we going?” “No, and I don’t care” “ Look at the facts, 20 or 30 years ago nations were fighting, wars and terrorists everywhere! We were depending on nuclear and oil power! Now we are living united in peace! Who could imagine, even in their wildest dreams in the beginning of the twenty-first century that mankind could be united, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews in harmony, who?” “You’re right Bruce, but still on the Ynet people can be killed by some maniacs!” “ well yes that’s true, but that’s why we are working at the VPS?” “of course I understand all those police robots on the streets keep the street clean for crime, but I doubt about that crime has been solved completely by this zero tolerance.” “what do you mean Peter? That the robots are not doing their job? They are flawless, not corrupt and they present no danger at all.” “yeah yeah I know the famous 3 laws of robotics. “But still, I mean they react so human and their intellect is by far more advanced than humans. Aren’t you afraid of the fact that they will make a revolution?” “a revolution for what? They are programmed to work for us, they know nothing else, they need no food or shelter, they work endlessly for humans and they never complain.” “maybe you’re right but let’s see the facts in history, black people were surpressed by whites and they worked endlessly for white people althou they made a revolution, in fact it ended in a civil war! “ “That’s not the same they were human beings and they had feelings” “ And what if those machines would have feelings as well?” “In your dreams Peter, that is impossible they are nothing but a piece of metal” “Yes and we are a piece of meat” replies Peter. “Any way I’m religeous and as far as I know only people have souls. “ ok but..” “cut it off Peter I don’t want to argue about this issue, by the way are you coming tonight?” “What? Tonight?” asked Peter. “Oh you don’t know? Do you? As usual, you forgot that today it is Mara's birthday?” “oh yes really sorry I forgott, don’t worry I will be there.” Replied Peter. “oh you beter be there on time cause she is taken here best friend with her, Angela and did I tell you that she's gorgeous?” Peter was single since his wife left him for her carreer in China. After a lot of fights between them she finally decided to leave. Peter never tried to see other women, that’s why Bruce allways arranges meetings with other women, allthou Peter allways rejects the proposition this time he hesitated: “ok that sounds interesting” said Peter. The car took a sideway and genteelly lowed in front of the apartment of Peter.
“ I’ll see you later ok” said Bruce “ok” replied Peter. Peter looked behind him and saw in the background the silhouette of Manhattan. New York was one big show of light. You could see laser beams coming out of the skyscrapers with 3D billboards filled with advertisements. At home Peter went directly to the kitchen and took a beer out of the fridge. He watched his living room for a second and saw that he’s computer was on. On the hologram screen was a message. Peter approach the screen to read the message: “There are watching you….” Peter couldn’t believe his eyes. “Ybot!” yelled Peter. Suddenly a small robot similar to the one of the mirror inside the system appeared in front of Peter. “ Yes my king” “Who send this message?” the Ybot searched. “anonymous my king” . Peter did not understand what is going wrong because when you send a message on the Ynet you have to send mail address. Peter tried to erase the message but he couldn’t. Than his Iphi ringed. “Hello, agent Walker here”, “Hello Mr Walker, I will be brief cause this line can be tapped, did you receive my message?” “Who are you?” “ Who I am is not relevant at this moment, but I have a very important information for you, do you want to meet me?” “About what?” asked Peter angrily. “It’s about your job Mr Walker, you are in great danger. Meet me at the Chinese Restaurant Big fortune in Chinatown tomorrow at 8 o’clock pm. Before Peter could say anything the voice hung up. “Hello? Hello?” said Peter but all he could hear was the sound of his own echo. Peter graped his leather jacket and went outside to catch the bus to the O’flanney’s pub were Bruce is waiting for him.
Outside there was a old man that was looking for some food into the hugh container of trash. When the old man saw Peter he looked him deeply in the eyes. Peter found that strange that the old man looked at him while he was simply waiting for the bus to come. The old man's eyes glowed red. “hmm that’s strange?” thaught Peter, “the old man is a robot.” Than the old man continued with his search, suddenly he saw the old man taking a robotic arm out of the trash and tried to attach it to his body. Peter never saw this before, Robots that became hobos. Tipical twenthyfirst century. Robots were used for all kinds of labor and when they are surpassed by newer models they are trown into containers like old televisions. The problem is offcourse that sometimes their owners forget to switch them off and you have heirand robots without a master. To survive they look into trashcontainers if they can plug themselves into energy sources and ask humans for help. Some are lucky thanks to organisations that take care of robots. They are applied for new purposes like helping humans througout the world or for scientific purpose in remote regions. But others live on the streets.
Peter went to the pub where he usually hung out with his colleagues. When Peter came inside he saw Bruce hanging around with two girls on the table. Bruce was drinking beer as usual and chatting with is girlfriend Mara. Peter was nervous about what happened in his apartment, he had a feeling of insecurity about his job. “Why should I get worried, We have no real enemies” taught Peter. “Hey man, what took ya so long!” asked Bruce from the bar. “Oh, nothing just nothing”
Bruce was . “Come here, let me present you this two beautiful ladies” said Bruce underlining on the beautiful. Peter was so concerned with his taughts that he didn’t salute the women.
“Hey man, you look nervous, what’s going on?”
Peter asked a Bourbon with ice, turned and looked to Bruce with concerned eyes. “Bruce, I need to talk to you about something, alone” Bruce looked surprised but followed Peter anyway. They went to the back of the bar. “Bruce, you know me for years, do you think that I’m crazy?”
“No, of course not. Why do you ask me? What happened?” asked Bruce.
“Well, 2 hours ago a got a strange phone call. A guy asked me for an appointment tomorrow!” “Ok Peter, but what is wrong about that?” “Wrong? He told me that I’m in danger!”
“Right, but do you know him?” “No, and frankely I don’t know how he got my number?”
Bruce turned to the bar with Peter. “Listen man, if I were you I go to this appointment, first because obviously he doesn’t want to harm you cause he is warning you for a danger and second out of curiosity, just go and see what this guy wants.
“You’re right Bruce.” “Do you want me to go with you?” “No, my friend I’m supposed to come alone!”Bruce smiled to the girls and turn to Peter: “Man, forget all for now, enjoy because we have company” “No, man I rather go home, thanks anyway”
Peter was running hard, even thou he was exhausted by this chase he can't let escape this suspect. Peter is an agent of the VPS or Virtual Police Squad. His job is basically to intercept hackers and Ynet criminals. The guy he was chasing is a wellknown hacker who enters into Ynet with fake ID’s and makes money with file transactions. While he was running his Iphi ringed. “Yes Bruce, sorry I can't talk right now cause I’m in the middle of something”. “Ok I understand but tell me where are you cause I can’t see you”. “ What do you mean you can’t see me?” asked Peter. “ I’m plugged into New York 20th . now Peter entered Virtual Chinatown. The crowd prevented him to see the guy he was chasing. “ Damn Bruce, I can’t find him anymore, wait I’ll use the IP of his Ebrain” “ Ok” Replied Bruce. Peter checked his pocket and took a small and round mirror from the size of a small lady mirror. “number 1223.543.657, name John E. Taylor, a.k.a. Crusian” . Suddenly a 3D image appears out of the mirror. The image showed a small robot with no arms. The robot replies with gestures and talks. “Searching for digital IP” a second later the picture of John E Taylor appears directly followed with his avatar form and his position inside the Ynet. “Oh my god, he is right behind me !!!” Peter turned around and suddenly found himself in front of a Chinese man with a gun pointing towards him. “Very well mister Agent, you blowed my cover, now what are you going to do?” Peter hesitated for a second to reply, “ Well John you may point a gun at me but that’s not the best way you know. If you kill me than the whole system is going to track you down and kill you !!” “ I’ll take the risk” replied John. Than suddenly another guy pulls a gun behind John. “ Freez you piece of crap !!!” “Bruce !!” yelled Peter with a feeling of relief. Peter took out an object with a laserbeam on top and pointed at the suspect. “ You have the right to remain silent, everything you say or do will be charged against you”. His Chinese appearance was changing and Bruce yelled at Peter “ Quick Peter, before he is unplugged!” Peter clicked on the button and the laserbeam covered John that made him disappear inside the object. “ Ok, we’re done” said Bruce. “ Gee, thanks” replied Peter.
In the station Peter and Bruce woke up. “Welldone Agents” said Nelson Brave. Nelson is the head of VPS. “That’s nothing sir, just routine I guess” said Bruce. “ Routine ? damn I almost got killed in this one” replied Peter. “ The guy was smart and he could change Avatarform whenever he wanted !! By the way how did you found me on the system? “ Well simple, while you ask your search engine, your ebrain sends a signal through the search engine” “ But why?” “ this is to prevent terrorist to search particular Ynet pages, and we know exactly who they are and where they are” "Hackers have the ability to change or even erase their signal preventing the system to track them."
“Whatever boys, you did a great job by catching this John Taylor, now all we have to do is to take him in custody in his home.”
Bruce was a young guy in the mid thirties. He was a brilliant student in the Police Academy. His passion for computers took him to choose for the virtual police squad.
Peter was first in the Army of the United States of America, but since all countries were united into the World Confederated States and all armies where abolished by resolution 9, He too choose for the squad.
Outside the lab Bruce and Peter were walking into their car to go home. “ My grandfather talked to me about New York when cars drove on the ground and about traffic jam” said Peter. “Damn you sound like a nostalgic” replied Bruce “ I Mean how can you miss traffic jam?” “ I think that had to be horrible” Taking 2 hours or more to go from Long island to Manhattan !” “ I know, but… aren’t you frightened about the speed of technology nowadays?” “ Didn’t you ask yourself where are we going?” “No, and I don’t care” “ Look at the facts, 20 or 30 years ago nations were fighting, wars and terrorists everywhere! We were depending on nuclear and oil power! Now we are living united in peace! Who could imagine, even in their wildest dreams in the beginning of the twenty-first century that mankind could be united, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews in harmony, who?” “You’re right Bruce, but still on the Ynet people can be killed by some maniacs!” “ well yes that’s true, but that’s why we are working at the VPS?” “of course I understand all those police robots on the streets keep the street clean for crime, but I doubt about that crime has been solved completely by this zero tolerance.” “what do you mean Peter? That the robots are not doing their job? They are flawless, not corrupt and they present no danger at all.” “yeah yeah I know the famous 3 laws of robotics. “But still, I mean they react so human and their intellect is by far more advanced than humans. Aren’t you afraid of the fact that they will make a revolution?” “a revolution for what? They are programmed to work for us, they know nothing else, they need no food or shelter, they work endlessly for humans and they never complain.” “maybe you’re right but let’s see the facts in history, black people were surpressed by whites and they worked endlessly for white people althou they made a revolution, in fact it ended in a civil war! “ “That’s not the same they were human beings and they had feelings” “ And what if those machines would have feelings as well?” “In your dreams Peter, that is impossible they are nothing but a piece of metal” “Yes and we are a piece of meat” replies Peter. “Any way I’m religeous and as far as I know only people have souls. “ ok but..” “cut it off Peter I don’t want to argue about this issue, by the way are you coming tonight?” “What? Tonight?” asked Peter. “Oh you don’t know? Do you? As usual, you forgot that today it is Mara's birthday?” “oh yes really sorry I forgott, don’t worry I will be there.” Replied Peter. “oh you beter be there on time cause she is taken here best friend with her, Angela and did I tell you that she's gorgeous?” Peter was single since his wife left him for her carreer in China. After a lot of fights between them she finally decided to leave. Peter never tried to see other women, that’s why Bruce allways arranges meetings with other women, allthou Peter allways rejects the proposition this time he hesitated: “ok that sounds interesting” said Peter. The car took a sideway and genteelly lowed in front of the apartment of Peter.
“ I’ll see you later ok” said Bruce “ok” replied Peter. Peter looked behind him and saw in the background the silhouette of Manhattan. New York was one big show of light. You could see laser beams coming out of the skyscrapers with 3D billboards filled with advertisements. At home Peter went directly to the kitchen and took a beer out of the fridge. He watched his living room for a second and saw that he’s computer was on. On the hologram screen was a message. Peter approach the screen to read the message: “There are watching you….” Peter couldn’t believe his eyes. “Ybot!” yelled Peter. Suddenly a small robot similar to the one of the mirror inside the system appeared in front of Peter. “ Yes my king” “Who send this message?” the Ybot searched. “anonymous my king” . Peter did not understand what is going wrong because when you send a message on the Ynet you have to send mail address. Peter tried to erase the message but he couldn’t. Than his Iphi ringed. “Hello, agent Walker here”, “Hello Mr Walker, I will be brief cause this line can be tapped, did you receive my message?” “Who are you?” “ Who I am is not relevant at this moment, but I have a very important information for you, do you want to meet me?” “About what?” asked Peter angrily. “It’s about your job Mr Walker, you are in great danger. Meet me at the Chinese Restaurant Big fortune in Chinatown tomorrow at 8 o’clock pm. Before Peter could say anything the voice hung up. “Hello? Hello?” said Peter but all he could hear was the sound of his own echo. Peter graped his leather jacket and went outside to catch the bus to the O’flanney’s pub were Bruce is waiting for him.
Outside there was a old man that was looking for some food into the hugh container of trash. When the old man saw Peter he looked him deeply in the eyes. Peter found that strange that the old man looked at him while he was simply waiting for the bus to come. The old man's eyes glowed red. “hmm that’s strange?” thaught Peter, “the old man is a robot.” Than the old man continued with his search, suddenly he saw the old man taking a robotic arm out of the trash and tried to attach it to his body. Peter never saw this before, Robots that became hobos. Tipical twenthyfirst century. Robots were used for all kinds of labor and when they are surpassed by newer models they are trown into containers like old televisions. The problem is offcourse that sometimes their owners forget to switch them off and you have heirand robots without a master. To survive they look into trashcontainers if they can plug themselves into energy sources and ask humans for help. Some are lucky thanks to organisations that take care of robots. They are applied for new purposes like helping humans througout the world or for scientific purpose in remote regions. But others live on the streets.
Peter went to the pub where he usually hung out with his colleagues. When Peter came inside he saw Bruce hanging around with two girls on the table. Bruce was drinking beer as usual and chatting with is girlfriend Mara. Peter was nervous about what happened in his apartment, he had a feeling of insecurity about his job. “Why should I get worried, We have no real enemies” taught Peter. “Hey man, what took ya so long!” asked Bruce from the bar. “Oh, nothing just nothing”
Bruce was . “Come here, let me present you this two beautiful ladies” said Bruce underlining on the beautiful. Peter was so concerned with his taughts that he didn’t salute the women.
“Hey man, you look nervous, what’s going on?”
Peter asked a Bourbon with ice, turned and looked to Bruce with concerned eyes. “Bruce, I need to talk to you about something, alone” Bruce looked surprised but followed Peter anyway. They went to the back of the bar. “Bruce, you know me for years, do you think that I’m crazy?”
“No, of course not. Why do you ask me? What happened?” asked Bruce.
“Well, 2 hours ago a got a strange phone call. A guy asked me for an appointment tomorrow!” “Ok Peter, but what is wrong about that?” “Wrong? He told me that I’m in danger!”
“Right, but do you know him?” “No, and frankely I don’t know how he got my number?”
Bruce turned to the bar with Peter. “Listen man, if I were you I go to this appointment, first because obviously he doesn’t want to harm you cause he is warning you for a danger and second out of curiosity, just go and see what this guy wants.
“You’re right Bruce.” “Do you want me to go with you?” “No, my friend I’m supposed to come alone!”Bruce smiled to the girls and turn to Peter: “Man, forget all for now, enjoy because we have company” “No, man I rather go home, thanks anyway”
Hi my name is Filipe da Silva, I wrote a book called REVOLUTION 2058. To write this book I was inspired by movies like the Matrix trilogy, Terminator trilogy, the 13th floor, Tron, Total Recall, the 6th day, I robot, AI. and books wrote by authors like Isaac Asimov and H.G. Wells. REVOLUTION 2058 is visionary look into the future of technology and its dangers towards our society.
20 years ago who would imagine the internet? The future was seen as a world of robots serving humans. Nowadays in the beginning of the second millenium we are using robots but we are navegating through a 2d virtual world called internet. You can interact, play, communicate, learn and use internet for all kinds of purposes. The future as I see will be much like nowadays but the internet will be an active part of our live. The internet will be a million times faster and heavier than in the beginning of the century which will give the capacity to create virtual real worlds that will give the host a sense of reality while navigating inside the internet with his mind and body.
Also the book explains the awaken of the Artificial intellegence. In the year 2058 ADAM will be the first of his kind that will raise against his creator. A cop, a hacker and his friends will try to save the world against this terrible faith, will they succeed? just read my blog every month.
20 years ago who would imagine the internet? The future was seen as a world of robots serving humans. Nowadays in the beginning of the second millenium we are using robots but we are navegating through a 2d virtual world called internet. You can interact, play, communicate, learn and use internet for all kinds of purposes. The future as I see will be much like nowadays but the internet will be an active part of our live. The internet will be a million times faster and heavier than in the beginning of the century which will give the capacity to create virtual real worlds that will give the host a sense of reality while navigating inside the internet with his mind and body.
Also the book explains the awaken of the Artificial intellegence. In the year 2058 ADAM will be the first of his kind that will raise against his creator. A cop, a hacker and his friends will try to save the world against this terrible faith, will they succeed? just read my blog every month.
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