Saturday, October 27, 2007


Hi my name is Filipe da Silva, I wrote a book called REVOLUTION 2058. To write this book I was inspired by movies like the Matrix trilogy, Terminator trilogy, the 13th floor, Tron, Total Recall, the 6th day, I robot, AI. and books wrote by authors like Isaac Asimov and H.G. Wells. REVOLUTION 2058 is visionary look into the future of technology and its dangers towards our society.
20 years ago who would imagine the internet? The future was seen as a world of robots serving humans. Nowadays in the beginning of the second millenium we are using robots but we are navegating through a 2d virtual world called internet. You can interact, play, communicate, learn and use internet for all kinds of purposes. The future as I see will be much like nowadays but the internet will be an active part of our live. The internet will be a million times faster and heavier than in the beginning of the century which will give the capacity to create virtual real worlds that will give the host a sense of reality while navigating inside the internet with his mind and body.
Also the book explains the awaken of the Artificial intellegence. In the year 2058 ADAM will be the first of his kind that will raise against his creator. A cop, a hacker and his friends will try to save the world against this terrible faith, will they succeed? just read my blog every month.

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